Quire Custom Fields

Empowering users to create fields tailored to their team's needs, the Custom Fields feature facilitates the transformation of data into actionable insights, enabling informed decision-making for success.

Role / Product Design, UI, UX, Prototyping
Year / 2023

Quire targets teams to help them plan and manage their projects to drive successful outcomes. From building a school to developing a Mars rover, from managing a local family business to conducting an event across countries, Quire has been able to assist our users in various projects.

However, with the expansion of our user base, our conversations with users drew our attention to the fact that our predefined fields were not suitable for every team, leading to a growing demand for custom fields. Workflows vary among different teams and industries, and a one-size-fits-all perfect task template is not a reality.

User research and feedback

Our primary objective for the project was to empower users to create customizable fields tailored to their specific team needs. Our vision was to develop an interface that was not only more flexible but also more inclusive, catering to a diverse range of users.

I evaluated user needs by carefully analyzing the feedback gathered by our marketing team. Additionally, I organized and conducted research on competitors with similar features, while also taking into account the requirements passed down by stakeholders.

I reimagined existing system fields to make them more flexible, allowing them to be easily transformed into various types without the need for a completely new concept.

I led the design process and went beyond the stated requirements. I collaborated extensively with developers to ensure realistic implementation plans and clarify technical constraints. Despite the limited resources, I created an extended design proposal that unfortunately did not make it to the final result. However, I meticulously recorded and documented the proposal in detail, keeping it as a reference for future enhancements.

Custom Fields empowered teams with enhanced information organization through its introduction of 12 diverse field types like date, selection, currency, checkbox, array formula, etc. This user-centric approach resulted in a significant 22% increase in user engagement, measured by average time spent in the app. Additionally, free-to-paid subscription conversions saw a remarkable 25% growth, demonstrating the value proposition for users willing to upgrade.

Building on this success, we continue to be fueled by the overwhelmingly positive user testimonials highlighting how Custom Fields streamline workflows and support data-driven decisions. Leveraging this valuable user feedback, we are committed to continuous iteration and improvement. We are constantly exploring new opportunities to empower users further, fostering a truly personalized work experience through even more customization options.

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